A heartbreaking, joyous and musical tale of gay couple Andy and Gabriel's journey to adoption.
Get your tissues out and prepare to be blown away by this incredibly emotional drama. Gabriel and his partner Andy adopt a child. But Gabriel has a history and he will need to embark upon a journey of self-discovery and attempt to repair his relationship with his dad before he can truly begin to parent 7-year old Jake.
Join us for an exclusive screening of BBC One, Episode 1, of Lost Boys and Fairies followed by a panel with the writer Daf James and cast member Sion Daniel Young.
£15 Ticket + Booking Fee
Booking fee donated by ticket partner Skiddle to Manchester Pride Charity.
Profits from SCENE ticket sales donated to Manchester Pride Charity which supports, empowers and enriches LGBTQ+ community groups.
15+ unclassified.
15+ admittance only.
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