Follow Rudrani Chettri and her friends over seven years as they transform Delhi’s Hijra community from the shadows of red light districts to the glamour of India's first trans modeling agency, capturing a vibrant clash of tradition and modernity, filled with laughter, drama, and hope.
This emotionally charged journey, filmed over 7 years, follows the extraordinary story of Rudrani Chettri and her friends from baby blessings, red light districts and dazzling Hindu festivals to the glamorous world of photoshoots, designers, hair and make-up, lights and electrifying action. We discover the transgender trans - Hijra community of Delhi as they set about creating India’s first ever trans modelling agency and an extravagant, paradigm-shifting, catwalk event.
Far from a bleak story of suffering and discrimination, this film explores the world of India’s ‘third gender’ (Hijra) in a positive way, full of laughter, drama, excitement, and pathos. We discover a complex world where traditional Hindu values clash with modern human rights. We immerse ourselves in unfamiliar places but find identifiable stories of love and loss, hope and poverty, beauty, glamour, and catwalk glory.
£5 / Ticket + Booking Fee
Booking fee donated by ticket partner Skiddle to Manchester Pride Charity.
Profits from SCENE ticket sales donated to Manchester Pride Charity which supports, empowers and enriches LGBTQ+ community groups.
MORE information
Director: Ila Mehrotra
Running time: 70 minutes
Screenwriter: Ila Mehrotra
Rating: 12A
Country of origin: UK
Year: 2024
Content guidance: Positive proud gender presentation
Distributor: Cosmic Cats
Language/Accessibility: Hindi and English with English Subtitles
The YES: PINK SCREENING ROOM is a space at SCENE dedicated to showcasing the best features and shorts of the year alongside Q&As and panels from the top LGBTQ+ creatives behind them - with a focus on championing new and upcoming film makers and subjects from the all part of the LGBTQIA community.
This screening at YES is supported by Film Hub North with National Lottery funding on behalf of the BFI Film Audience Network.
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